The Lalo Legacy Award

In the last five years there have been two very special people that have assisted in making the magic happen behind the scenes. Those people are Carroll Newman and Marley Woods. Carroll “Lalo” Newman has worn many hats during her time at WCT. Production -Stage Manager, Costume Designer, Snack Fairy-Godmother… this list and her love is a legacy. We decided we really wanted to annually honor her (and our students) who are dedicated and achieve excellence in Stage Management… (like our Lalo). Presenting: “The Lalo Legacy Award” in recognition of a student achieving excellence in stage management. Our first Lalo Legacy Award was unquestionably awarded to Marley Woods. Marley has been with WCT since the beginning (on and off the stage). There were many times while she was acting/working in her own show, she was simultaneously working behind the scenes on our other shows. Marley was consistently reliable, creative, dedicated, and professional. Adults working on our productions (whether they knew her or not) were always amazed at her knowledge and professionalism at such a young age. She was a JOY (her middle name) to have under our wing. Although we won’t be on the stage this season, it feels nice to reflect and CONGRATULATE Lalo and Marley as we prepare for the fall.


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